「ZnC:WL」は音楽クリエイター toshi(OPDサウンド)による、世界中の様々なボーカリストとのコラボレーションで作品発表を行っていくボーカルプロジェクトです。




ZnC:WL Youtubeチャンネル

"ZnC:WL" is a vocal project by music creator toshi (OPD Sound) that will collaborate with various vocalists around the world.

The project name ZnC:WL is a combination of the Japanese word "jinku".

"Jinku" is a type of Japanese folk song, based on the idea that minyo are unique songs rooted in each region, and that vocalists around the world are also unique, each with their own background. is named.

We will create sounds that make use of the backgrounds of each vocalist.